Chios Mastiha, A PDO Product
On 1992 the European Union enacted 2081/92 regulation (substituted by 510/2006) for the protection of the designation of origin of the agricultural products.
“ Protected designation of origin – PDO “ is the name of a specific region or in extraordinary cases the name of a country, which is used in the description of an agricultural product or a food originating from this specified location or country. The quality or the characteristics of the above are mainly or exclusively due to the geographical environment, including the natural and human factors and the production, alteration and process which take place in the delimited geographical area.
Since 1997, Chios mastiha has been identified as Protected Designation of Origin product ( PDO ), subject to No.123/1997 Regulation ( L0224/24-1-97 ) of European Union and has been registered in the relevant community list of the PDO products.
All protected designation of origin products bear the PDO mark.
The PDO designation, for the agricultural products and food, allows to the growers to promote more easily these products and on the other hand it allows to the consumers to buy quality products, the production, process and origination of which are guaranteed.
The registered names for the PDO products are protected against any direct or indirect commercial use of other products which do not comply with the special specifications (of the PDO products),as well as against any expropriation, imitation, insinuation, false or deceitful indication as far as it concerns the origin, derivation or nature of the product. Moreover, the registered names protect the products against any other practice able to misinform the public on the actual origin of the product.
Apart from the PDO products European Union has enacted PGI ( Protected Geographical Indication ) and TSG ( Traditional Speciality Guaranteed) products. More specifically:
“Protected Geographical Indication – PGI “ is the name of a specific region or in extraordinary cases the name of a country, which is used in the description of an agricultural product or a food originating from this specified location or country. The quality, fame or other characteristic of the above is due to this geographical origin and the production and / or alteration and /or process of which take place in the delimited geographical area.
“Traditional Speciality Guaranteed Products – TSG “ are the alteration products which are characterized by their composition or their mode of preparation. The composition and the mode of preparation of these products have not been changed for ages and integrate the history , the customs and the tradition of the people who produce such products. They are based on the tradition and the alimentary culture of the European citizens while they bear and present those special characteristics which are due to the soil-climatic conditions of the cultivation area and to the special production and alteration conditions.